Green Valley Project Spotlight: Ava Elliott

Ava Elliott worked for the CREW when she then decided to join the Green Valley Project. As a member of the Green Valley Project, she participated in the Design Internship and Youth Council.

Through her participation as a CREW member, and GVP member, she completed the following:

  • Middle Steward Creek restoration project

  • Re-Oaking Ojai project

  • Design and plant Pollinator Garden

  • Raising awareness of environmental issues via social media platforms (Youtube)

Ava has come full circle as she is now working as a Program Assistant for the Green Valley Project!

Learn more about Ava’s experience working for the CREW, being part of the Green Valley Project, and now working as a key player for GVP!


Interviewer: Alessandra C.

Interviewee: Ava E.

AC: Tell me a bit about yourself.

AE: My name is Ava Elliott and I am 19 years old. I am attending Santa Barbara City College in the fall and will be starting my second year! I am majoring in Biological Sciences with an emphasis on Ecology and Evolutionary Science! I am not sure the exact career that I am hoping to pursue, but I am aiming in the direction of Wetland Ecologist or Herpetologist. I enjoy any outside activity like hiking, going to the river or beach, and rock climbing. 

AC: Why did you decide to join the CREW?

AE: I decided to join the CREW because I knew that they did a lot of conservation work in the Ojai valley. I knew that I wanted to go to school in the realm of environmental science, and I figured that I should try out working in the field before I fully commit to a school and a major. I am so glad that I did.

AC: How was your experience with the CREW?

AE: My experience with the CREW was great. I was originally a little nervous because I was the youngest worker and the only girl on the field crew, but I quickly realized that it was not an issue. My coworkers were awesome, and I loved it so much that I stayed there for over a year. 

AC: What was your favorite part about working on the CREW? 

AE: My favorite part of the CREW was the conservation work. At the time of me working there, we were restoring the Middle Stewart creek. I got to see the creek transform from lifeless and industrialized, to full of native plants and pollinators. The work was definitely hard, but it was so worth it to see my job making a difference in my local ecosystem. 

AC: What program did you join in GVP? Why?

AE: I originally joined the GVP Youth Council, and later decided to join the Communications Internship as well. I heard about these programs through my coworkers, and I was eager to get more involved in the community. I had gotten used to doing the hands on work of conservation and fire clearance that the CREW deals with, and I was excited to get to know more about the planning that goes into it. 

AC: What did you enjoy most about the Green Valley Project?

AE: The thing that I enjoyed the most about GVP was the community that came with it. All of the students that are in the internships and the youth council are like minded, and are all passionate about the environment. I had always loved the Earth and it was so refreshing to see other peers just as passionate about the same things that I was. 

AC: What skill or skills did you gain the most from GVP? How have you applied these skills to get you where you are today?

AE: I think that the biggest skill that I had gained from the GVP was the skill of networking. I was introduced to so many professionals in the field that I one day wanted to be in. This provided me with the opportunity to get contacts and information about what I could be doing one day. I think that these opportunities are so important for teenagers to get. It got me so excited about my future. 

AC: How did it feel to become a program assistant for GVP?  What has been your favorite part about being a Program Assistant for GVP?

AE: Becoming a Program Assistant for the GVP has been so exciting! This position has definitely taught me so much about how environmental science looks on a local scale, and how I can individually help my local environment. I am so happy to continue working for a nonprofit like the crew that cares for the community. My favorite part of the job so far has just been learning new things. I learn new things about the environment, native plants, or just ways to further my career every day. 

AC: What advice do you have for any young people wanting to get involved in the environmental field?

AE: My best advice for teenagers wanting to get into the field is to do your research! My whole position at the crew is because I was motivated to look for environmental positions in my area. And don’t be scared of being young or inexperienced! I was 16 when I started working at the CREW and I definitely felt like I was  at a disadvantage to my coworkers, but everyone starts somewhere! And organizations like the CREW and the GVP are amazing places to start because they are aimed towards youth. I wholeheartedly recommend applying for our summer internship or the communications internship in the fall! I will be running the Communications internship and I would love to help you guys get started! 


Pollination Station: A Youth Designed Garden


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