Green Valley Project

Youth Council

The Green Valley Project Youth Council are teams of young people, aged 13 to 20, who have come together to plan and implement restoration projects that will grow more habitat for local plants and animals, remove invasive species that can threaten an ecosystem, and educate the public on environmental restoration. This restoration project will create a more beautiful, healthy and climate-resilient Ventura County where all can thrive!

Skills Developed:

Civic Engagement:

Members in our Youth Council work to communicate, involve, and educate the public about the environmental issue they are combating. Thus allowing them to understand the importance of civic engagement, as well as develop their public speaking.

Environmental Stewardship:

Our members become stewards for their local environment by dedicating their time towards resolving an environmental issue their community is facing.

Environmental Leadership:

Through our Youth Council, members are able to develop environmental leadership skills by creating, plan, and implementing their own ecological restoration project.