Santa Barbara Honeysuckle
Santa Barbara honeysuckle (Lonicera subspicata var. denudata):
General information:
Santa Barbara honeysuckle is a shrub that is important for several insect and bird species (i.e. hummingbirds), as the plant provides food via their nectar and berries. It is native to southern and Central California, and typically grows on slopes in high elevation. This honeysuckle grows on mountains, coastal regions, and chaparral regions.
This plant is a shrub-type plant, and can grow to be 8 feet tall and 20 feet wide. It is a rapid growing plant, and remains evergreen throughout the seasons. Its flowers can be cream, white, and yellow. The flowers can grow in a spiky flower cluster, and its fruit is often red or yellow.
Plant growth, season, and dormancy:
Santa Barbara honeysuckle is a shrub-type plant, and can grow 8 feet tall and 20 feet wide. It grows at a rapid rate, and remains evergreen throughout the year. Lastly, its flowering seasons include spring and summer.
Landscaping information:
This plant requires partial sunlight, but can tolerate full sunlight. It can tolerate full sunlight with a regular watering regimen of at least twice a month. It thrives in clay soil and decomposed granite with a p.H. level of 5-7.6. Lastly, it can tolerate temperatures as low as 10ºF.
How to use:
It is often used for hedges, bird gardens, and hummingbird gardens.
Pollinators helped: