Fuchsia Flowered Gooseberry
Fuchsia Flowered Gooseberry (Ribes speciosum):
General information:
Fuchsia flowered gooseberry is a deciduous, shrub plant. It has small, green glossy leaves and thorns on its branches. It has beautiful red/fuchsia colored flowers that hang down from the branches. The flowers of the plant attract various pollinators such as hummingbirds, moths and butterflies. Its berries are enjoyed by small mammals and birds. This plant typically grows in Coastal Sage Scrub, Chaparral, and shady Woodlands. It prefers to grow under shady oaks, and prefers moist areas.
Its flowers are a dark red, and fuchsia color. It bears fruit that has fuzz around it that is enjoyed by birds and various small mammals.
Plant growth, season, and dormancy:
Fuchsia flowered gooseberry is a shrub type plant. It can grow 6-10 feet tall and 3-8 feet wide. It grows at a rapid rate, and is summer deciduous. Lastly, its flowering seasons are winter and spring.
Landscaping information:
Fuchsia flowered gooseberry requires deep or partial shade. It is a low and moderate moisture/water plant. It requires slow to medium draining soil, and solely requires once a month summer watering once it’s established. It can grow in various types of soil, and can tolerate serpentine soil. Lastly, it prefers a soil pH of 4.0-8.0.
How to use:
This plant is typically used as deer resistant cover due to the deer being dissuaded by the plant's thorns.
Pollinators helped:
-Small mammals