Common Yarrow
Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium):
General information:
Common yarrow is the perfect choice for beginner gardeners, as it is resilient and can grow anywhere. It can thrive in nearly any environment, and in any soil type. It spreads quickly, making it perfect for ground cover as a replacement for lawns. Due to the yarrow's flowers, it attracts several different types of pollinators like bees and birds. Thus making the ideal native plant to place in a pollinator garden!
Yarrow typically has white and yellow flowers that appear to be in a cluster. Its leaves appear to be “spiky.”
Plant growth, season, and dormancy:
Common yarrow is a perennial herb type plant, and typically grows 1-3 feet tall and .5-1.5 feet wide. It grows at both a moderate and rapid rate, and remains evergreen throughout the year. Lastly, its flowering seasons are spring and summer.
Landscaping information:
Common yarrow requires full, and partial sun, as well as full shade. It is a low moisture plant, and requires watering at least once a week. This plant is very easy to care for, and is relatively low maintenance. It can thrive in any soil except wet soil, and it requires a p.H. level between 4-8. Lastly, it can tolerate temperatures as low as -10ºF- -15ºF.
How to use:
Yarrow typically has white and yellow flowers that appear to be in a cluster. Its leaves appear to be “spiky.”
Pollinators helped:
-Carnivorous insects