Chaparral Mallow
Chaparral Mallow Malacothamnus fasciculatus
General information:
Chaparral mallow is a type of woody shrub that has characteristic pale pink and white flowers. It grows in both coast scrub and chaparral habitats. It is often used for erosion control, but requires regular pruning in smaller, residential gardens.
Chaparral mallow is an evergreen shrub that has light pink flowers growing on its branches. Within one bloom, the shrub could have a thousand flowers.
Plant growth, season, and dormancy:
It grows at a rapid rate, and can reach 3-16 ft tall and 10 ft wide. It remains evergreen year round, and its flowering seasons are Spring and Summer.
Landscaping information:
Chaparral mallow is a full sun plant, and requires very little water. Once it's established, it requires once a month summer irrigation. It is moderately easy to care for, but it does require frequent pruning. It can tolerate various rates of soil drainage, and requires well-draining soil. Lastly, it requires a soil p.H. level of 6.0-7.0.
How to use:
It is commonly used for bank stabilization, and deer resistant cover.
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