California Sagebrush
California sagebrush (Artemisia californica):
General information:
California sagebrush is a resilient, and easy-to-grow plant shrub. This plant is so resilient it can thrive in hostile environments including direct/hot sunlight and on slopes. In addition, it can tolerate sandy and nutrient-poor soil. Lastly, California sagebrush is an important plant for quails, gnatcatchers, and insects as it provides food and habitats.
California sagebrush is a fragrant plant, and its flowers vary in color. The flowers may appear to be cream, white, and yellow. It has thread-like, green foliage, which secret a pleasant fragrance.
Plant growth, season, and dormancy:
This plant is a shrub-type of plant; it can grow anywhere between 1-8 ft tall, and 4 feet wide. It can grow rapidly, and is summer deciduous. The flowering seasons for sagebrush are: spring, summer, and fall.
Landscaping information:
California sagebrush requires full sunlight, and is an extremely low moisture plant. Due to its low moisture content, it only requires a watering regimen of once a month. (Thus making it an ideal plant for dry/drought prone areas!) California sagebrush is perfect for beginner gardeners as it is easy to care for and maintain. It is fairly cold tolerant, as it can withstand temperatures as low as 20ºF. Lastly, this sagebrush requires the soil p.H. level to be fairly low, anywhere between 5-8.
How to use:
The plant is often used for its deer resistance, groundcover, bank stabilization, butterfly gardens, and bird gardens.
Pollinators helped:
-California Gnatcatcher